“These workshops give you lots of energy and inspiration to re-invest, with purpose, in the future.”
The MidLife ReThink – Overview
Session 1 September 11th: Harvest the Past. Where I’ve been: A review of life to date, where you’ve come from, what you’ve experienced, and what you’ve learnt. The patterns you know, and those you don’t.
Session 2 September 18th: Assess the Present. Where I’m standing: Where am I in the arc of life? With who am I travelling? What roles/ relationships/ beliefs do I want to keep, and what might I let go of?
Session 3 September 25th: Map the Future. What the world needs and who I want to become: The dream, the role models and the support systems. The choices I need to make today to move towards the future I want.
The programme of three consecutive 90-minute weekly workshops with Avivah Wittenberg-Cox costs just £299. The first workshop kicks off Monday, 11th September, 2023. Any questions? Please reach out to [email protected].
Author, coach, and CEO of 20-first, Avivah Wittenberg-Cox has worked with individuals and businesses around the world to design balanced lives and businesses. The author of multiple books, including Late Love: Mating in Maturity and Why Women Mean Business, she is a 3 x TEDx speaker and a regular contributor to Harvard Business Review and FORBES. She lives in London and just finished a year as a Fellow at Harvard’s Advanced Leadership Initiative.
To Register and book your place, follow the link below.
The MidLife ReThink Tickets, Mon, Sep 11, 2023 at 6:00 PM | Eventbrite