
Charlotte Doughty shares how she moved from an inhouse translator to follow her passion of becoming a teacher....
Mike Mansfield became CEO of charity, Pro Age after being made redundant from his corporate research role after...
After COVID-19 and organisation restructures, Tracey made the difficult decision to take redundancy and make a career change....
After 20 years in a supermarket marketing role, Nathalie Hayes decided to take voluntary redundancy and start the...
Nadezdha Robinson started her own healthcare business after a 5-year career break. Nadezdha shares how she wants to...
Rachael moved from a high-pressured role in design and advertising into a totally new, and family-friendly, role as...
After some significant life changes, Mags Wright decided to leave her corporate role after 33 years to focus...
Julia’s confidence was low after a nine-year career break, but it quickly returned after the incredible reassurance, support...
Roquel Guy-Miller made the move from healthcare to hospitality to spend more time with her children and to...
Asha Patel was looking for a new challenge after a ten-year career break and flexible working helped to...
Lucy Johnson left her role in Education as Head of Foreign languages to join the Financial Services Industry...
Roslin Macdonald left her corporate role and set up her own Counselling and Wellbeing company in 2015, Since...