Part-time Works Episode 3: Can you work part-time in the frontline?
Can you work part-time in the frontline? Demonstrating the art of the possible. Can there be work-life balance in shift-based jobs? Nurse Julie Snell has worked part-time for 25 years. Detective Inspector Nisha Chandra is new to flex. The two discuss the nuts and bolts of how their jobs work.
Part-time Works Episode 2: Inspiring bosses
Inspiring bosses: what makes for great managers of part-time workers. Two managers of part-time workers – who also work part-time themselves – discuss what qualities make for great leaders of people who need time-based flex. With Kelly Keating in Bournemouth, and Andrew Eaton in Birmingham.
Part-time Works Episode 1: Modern part time-working
Modern part time-working – from tackling assumptions, to rally car racing, to caring. Is part-time working more accepted, nowadays? How have things changed? Why is it so important? Sharon Foxwell and Jo Holdom hold a discussion with Alex Kihurani. Jo and Sharon have jobs shared at One Voice Media, a PR and marketing agency in […]